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What finishes are trending for countertops in 2024?

finishes are trending for countertops

In 2024, kitchen countertop trends are becoming more prominent due to their innovative functionality and appealing look. Most homeowners and designers prefer a kitchen countertop in different finishes as per their preference for leathered and honed. In this blog post, let me share countertop solutions for the kitchen. Let’s discuss some better ideas for kitchen counter designs and kitchen slabs.

The Increase of Countertop Finishes with Leather

Leathered countertop finishes are popular in kitchen trends due to their soft matte finish. It has the following benefits for a kitchen countertop for marble and granite.

Appeal of Texture

Kitchen slabs gain depth and character from the leathered finish, which imparts a soft, tactile texture. Leathered finishes contrast with polished surfaces’ intense gloss and have a subtler elegance that works well with both traditional and modern kitchen counter designs.


Another well-known attribute of leathered finishes is their durability. Thanks to the texturing process, busy kitchens will benefit greatly from the surfaces’ increased resistance to etching and scratches. Leathered countertops are a sensible countertop option for kitchens that are used frequently.


Maintaining leathered finishes is easier than maintaining polished surfaces because they hide smudges, water spots, and fingerprints better. This low-maintenance feature is a big lure for homeowners seeking a kitchen countertop that combines style and functionality.

The Detailed Polished Surface Finishes

The refined countertop finish will become popular once again in 2024. Sanding the stone results in a smooth matte surface with little to no gloss, which is the desired finish. The outcome is a chic appearance that perfectly complements contemporary and minimalist kitchen counter designs.

Unique style

Honed countertops have a smooth, satin-like, sophisticated, and elegant look. In modern kitchen designs, they are especially well-liked when a minimalist, smooth appearance is sought. This finish is a great option for a variety of kitchen slabs because it looks good with both light and dark cabinetry.

Benefits in Practice

Practical advantages also stem from the matte finish of honed countertops. It can help reduce the visibility of blemishes and scratches because it is less reflective than polished finishes. Furthermore, polished surfaces are safer in kitchen settings because they are less slick.


All these top materials for countertops, such as marble, quartz, granite or event concrete come in honed finishes. So, you can consider any of them as an ideal countertop with your design preference for your kitchen with versatile design options with complete functional requirements.

Welcome to Countertops Made of Natural Stone

Quartzite, marble and granite will become more popular natural stones for kitchen countertops in 2024. A design pattern of natural stone for kitchen slabs will improve the overall look of the kitchen.

Countertops made of granite

Granite’s amazing durability and wide range of colors and patterns make it a favorite material today. Due to the uniqueness of each granite slab, kitchen counter designs can have a truly unique appearance. You can have multiple design options with granite countertops either in leathered countertop finishes or honed countertop finishes.

Marble design Countertops

When it comes to making a kitchen grace with elegant design, marble kitchen countertops are the epitome due to their various patterns and color variations. They are timeless pieces that define class and refinement with a quality material.

Quartz Countertops

The use of quartzite as a more resilient substitute for marble is growing in favor. Although it has greater stain and scratch resistance, quartzite has a similar design look thanks to its natural veining and color variations. Thus, quartzite is a great countertop material for kitchens requiring durability and style.

Flexibility in Design

Numerous hues and patterns, including those that resemble real stone, are available for quartz countertops. Thanks to this flexibility, homeowners can select the ideal match for their kitchen slabs and overall design scheme.

Maintenance and Durability

Because quartz counters are non-porous, they are extremely impervious to bacteria stains and scratches. This makes them the perfect option for busy kitchens where convenience of maintenance and hygiene are top concerns.

Concrete Countertops Allure

Concrete countertops will be big in 2024 because of their customizable options and industrial-chic look. Since they can be poured into any shape and colored to match, these countertops have countless design options.


Because it is naturally heat-resistant and durable concrete is a sensible material for kitchens. Over time well-maintained concrete countertops can endure normal wear and tear without losing their appealing look.

The combination of innovative functionality and visual appeal characterizes kitchen countertop trends in 2024. Homeowners have various options, including the sophisticated simplicity of honed countertop finishes and the tactile elegance of leathered countertop finishes. Quartz and concrete offer creative solutions for modern kitchens, but natural stones like granite marble and quartzite still hold a dominant position. Homeowners can design stunning long-lasting and practical spaces that satisfy their practical needs and reflect their style by keeping up with the latest trends in kitchen counter designs and countertop solutions.

Read More: The Ultimate Granite Countertop Buying Guide: Benefits, Cost, Installation, and Maintenance

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